for rowbind, dplyr::bind_rows()
caused an error. (stackoverflow)~/aspen/dataset/onemaf.minimaf.test.v1.0.rda
OK we need to find out how many genes have recurrent mutations.
Is this working? (Lawrence et al. 2013)
: if coordinate are the same, the latter will replace previous one. Two recurrence definition : exact / position: position: eg. p.F333A ,p.F333[ACDEKEF] would be treated as one here exact: exactly the same mutation. _____________Open preamble.tex
Comment out\renewenvironment{Shaded}{\begin{kframe}}{\end{kframe}}
fixed in #issue6
bibliography: "/home/tc/GIT/tcgaMut/references.bib"
in the YAML headerR package
after install(devtools::install()
) ,restart R to load the package, otherwise here’s the error:
Error in fetch(key) :
lazy-load database '/home/tc/data/libs/R_libs/tcgaMut/help/tcgaMut.rdb' is corrupt
related : a github issue
Lawrence, Michael S., Petar Stojanov, Paz Polak, Gregory V. Kryukov, Kristian Cibulskis, Andrey Sivachenko, Scott L. Carter, et al. 2013. “Mutational Heterogeneity in Cancer and the Search for New Cancer-Associated Genes.” Nature 499 (7457): 214–18. doi:10.1038/nature12213.
The onemaf can only be processed from aspen↩