background mutation Model is needed
\[ Prob(X=k)=\binom{n}{r}P_{c,g}^{k}(1-P_{c,g})^{n-k} \\ \]
center nucleotide mutation rate in a trinucleotide(t)
P_t=\frac{C_t}{F_t} \\\text{ }C_t:\#of\_mut;F_t:\#of\_trinucleotide
codon mutation rate \(P_{c,g}\) of codon c and gene g:
P_{c,g}=\frac{\frac{C_g}{N_{sample}}}{\sum_{t \in g}{N_{t,g}P_t}} \sum_{t \in c}{\frac{n_{t,c}}{n_c}P_t}
$N_{t,g}$ : #of tri in gene;
$N_{sample}$ : sample size ;
$n_{t,c}$ : # of mut in site t of codon c;
$n_c$ : # of mut in codon c
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